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Everyday Radiance

"You must know you have radiance. Even in the worst circumstances, you want to radiate, to look beautiful, be successful, and be trusted and loved.

Your radiant body is important. The tragedy is, you do not know how beautiful you are! Once you discover your own beauty you become givers.

Beauty is innocent and bright.

Every human has to have his armor—the radiant body, shining. To polish the radiant body is a very polite and light and simple thing to do. When we spend a few minutes every day in peace and tranquility, we become radiant in our lives." -Yogi Bhajan

As humans we have a choice to be reborn every day, to choose if we face the day in fear or love.. when we choose love, self-love then we connect with our divine right to be happy and radiant.

I have found no better way to do this than to simply sit in meditation.. when we allow for the mind to rest and the body to relax slowly all our energetic bodies recalibrate, you will find your breath changes and time slows down.

The following meditation is so simple yet powerful and will help you connect with your innate radiance!

Meditation for Radiance and Ease

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: The hands are resting in the lap. Palms are face up, one resting on top of the other. It makes no difference which hand is on top. Point the thumbs away from the body and join them at their tips.

It is very important to be totally relaxed and comfortable throughout the meditation.

Breath: Breathe normally.

Eyes: Totally relax the eyelids and let them close by their own accord.

Focus: Mentally look around you. Tune into the aura and feel that you are part of Mother Nature as a being. Feel that you are a star in the vastness and the beauty of the blue sky. Perceive your own radiance.

Time: Begin with 3 minutes and slowly build for as long as desired up to 11 minutes.

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan