Alexandra Espinosa Alexandra Espinosa

Meditation For A Calm Heart

Emotionally, this meditation adds clear perception to your relationships with yourself and others. If you are upset at work or in a personal relationship, sit in this meditation for 3 to 15 minutes before deciding how to act. Then act with your full heart.

Physically, this meditation strengthens the lungs and heart.

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Alexandra Espinosa Alexandra Espinosa

Meditation For Stress And Duality

Yogis have long recognized that the best decision-making takes place when the left and right hemispheres of the brain are balanced and synchronized. Since the left brain questions and the right brain accepts, an individual's analytical and creative thought processes are most effective when a state of balance in neutrality is achieved.

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Alexandra Espinosa Alexandra Espinosa

Immunity booster: Your inner SUN

August has arrived and with it new energy is set through the number 8 and it’s powerful pranic source. This is the boundless energy of the sun, the energy of openness, generosity, trust and joy.
This meditation to awaken the inner sun will work strengthening your immunity

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Alexandra Espinosa Alexandra Espinosa

I choose to challenge!

I was asked to do a talk for International Woman’s Day at work today. The theme this year is: “I choose to challenge!” which felt so fitting for me as a Latin American woman living in Australia.

Here is a snapshot…

Since being a little girl, the gender inequality of my homeland - Ecuador, was something I found challenging. I couldn’t understand why my brothers and male friends were allowed so many more freedoms than myself, I had to be polite and look pretty while they could climb, play and get as dirty as they wanted. As I grew up, it was common to see my arms up in the air asking why and negotiating

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Meditation - To Bring Tremendous Change In Your Destiny

We are approaching the end of year, time to reflect and envision a new path for the new year.

This is a beautiful meditation which brings neutrality. If you practice this meditation every night before you go to bed, there will be a tremendous change in your destiny. Each dawn shall bring a message of freshness and opportunity.


Kundalini Yoga is sacred technology, before every Kundalini Yoga practice, please tune in with this powerful mantra:

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Alexandra Espinosa Alexandra Espinosa

Time for Inner Assesment

For the past 2 weeks, the world has gone into a deep state of transformation. What was is no longer and all around we are called to stay indoors, to work from home and behave in ways we could have never dreamt of. We are given a choice which has always been the ultimate choice: To live in LOVE or in fear.

This is such an opportunity to choose love:

love for ourselves as we care for our bodies with daily exercise and healthy food,

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Everyday Radiance

As humans we have a choice to be reborn every day, to choose if we face the day in fear or love.. when we choose love, self-love then we connect with our divine right to be happy and radiant.

I have found no better way to do this than to simply sit in meditation.. when we allow for the mind to rest and the body to relax slowly all our energetic bodies recalibrate, you will find your breath changes and time slows down.

The following meditation is so simple yet powerful and will help you connect with your innate radiance!

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Kundalini Moon Woman: A woman's body is a woman's temple

I want to share with you a sacred yogic tool to transform your body and mind, this is a sacred Kriya shared by Yogi Bhajan specifically for women: THE WOMAN’S SET.

I have practiced this kriya as my personal sadhana many times and every time I connect with it in a different way and every time my body just loves it. It has been my go to set from the very beginning of my kundalini yoga journey and it will continue to be for the time to come!

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moon centers SIRI HARI / ALEXANDRA moon centers SIRI HARI / ALEXANDRA

What are the Kundalini Moon Centers?

The 11 moon centers are energetic areas in the body relate to specific qualities and characteristics of being a woman.

The specific characteristics are shared amongst all women but we all experience them in a different way. They affect the way we see life almost as if we wearing 11 pair of glasses tinting our reality differently depending on which moon we are in!

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