Our Moon Centers Yoga Course, is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the exploration of the eleven moon centers.

In Kundalini Yoga, the moon centers, are associated with the feminine energy and the cyclical nature of life. Yogi Bhajan taught that there are eleven moon centers, each with its own unique energy and qualities, that govern the different aspects of a woman's life.

This course is designed to help women of all ages and levels of experience connect with each of the eleven moon centers and their corresponding qualities.

Through a combination of yoga postures, breathwork, meditation, and self-reflection, you will explore each of the moon centers and learn how to activate and balance their energy.

As you work through this course, you will learn specific Kundalini Yoga techniques to activate and balance each of the moon centers, allowing you to tap into their power and wisdom. You will also learn how to connect with the energy of each moon center and how to align your practice with your own inner lunar cycles.

Join us on this transformative journey into the depths of your feminine power and discover the magic of the eleven moon centers.

a 3 PAR journey of self-understandinG

Embodying the effects of the Moon Centres can empower your mind, body & spirit!


  • Moon Centers Journey (e-book) 
    Beautiful graphic keycode of the moon centers with all the essential information to understand and work with your moon centers, includes archetypal wisdom & so much more!

  • Moon Centers Kundalini Yoga Sets & Meditations (e-book)
    Specific Kriyas & Meditations for each of the 11 Moon Centers

  • 12 Month Moon Center Tracking Chart Book (printable pdf)

    Includes affirmations & yogic tools to balance your moon centers

  • 40 day Kundalini Moon Woman sadhana Journal (printable pdf)

    To set intentions and check your progress

All products are digital, instructions will be shared upon purchase.

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  • Hairline — clarity & intuition

  • Eyebrows — imaginative & healing dreams

  • Cheeks — emotional & unpredictable

  • Lips — communicative

  • Ear lobes — intelligent & values oriented

  • Back of the neck — romantic & soft

  • Breasts — compassionate & giving

  • Belly button — secure / insecure

  • Inner thighs — coordinated & full of energy

  • Clitoris — charming & sociable

  • Vagina — connected & social


  • Learn to balance and strengthen your Moon Centres

  • Practice essential Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations for each moon center (as taught by Yogi Bhajan)

  • Track your Connect with your sacred Moon Centre for self-understanding and self-acceptance.

  • Challenge yourself to a 40 day Sadhana

  • Allow yourself to live a complete woman’s experience.

Exploring your Moon Centres is a liberating and empowering journey



Siri Hari was introduced to yoga at a young age and has studied & practiced yoga for nearly 30 years. She is infinitely grateful to Yogi Bhajan for all the teachings of Kundalini Yoga which have transformed her life.

Siri Hari found Kundalini Yoga in Ecuador her home country in 2002, after her first class she knew she had to become a teacher and after her first experience at teacher training she knew she wanted to be a Teacher Trainer. Her passion and love for the teachings has matured over time, she has more than 16 years experience as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer with the Kundalini Research Institute.

She has a joyful nature, her classes are uplifting and energetic.

Her training also includes, Classical & Vinyasa Yoga, Prenatal & Children’s Yoga, Childbirth education, Transpersonal Counselling, Pranic Healing and Ayurveda. Her wish is to share these sacred teachings each day inside and outside the classroom, she believes we need to be the change we want to see in the world.

Siri Hari has delved deeply into Yogi Bhajan’s teachings for women, she developed the Radiant Pregnancy & Birth program based on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, the program has helped hundreds of women experience harmonious and conscious births. The Radiant Pregnancy Teacher Training Program will be launched later this year.

She was a member of the board of the Kundalini Yoga Festival and is a former president of KYTANZ the national Kundalini Yoga Association.